Can Hedgehogs Eat Peanut Butter? Risks of Feeding Peanut Butter

Feeding your hedgehog is one of the most important components of hedgehog care, as any responsible hog parent will confirm. A balanced, wholesome diet is beneficial for both people and hedgehogs, which is why meal planning is so important.

Naturally, not everything they eat is healthy for them. We’ll examine Peanut butter today and see “Can hedgehogs eat peanut butter?”.

In short, No you should not feed peanut butter to your hedgehogs. You can not safely feed peanuts to your hedgehog because it may be poisonous to them. Let’s look at why this doesn’t imply that you should not give your hedgehog peanut butter all the time. 

What is Peanut Butter?

Peanut butter is a protein-rich spread that is widely consumed around the world. It is made by combining ground peanuts (usually roasted first) into a thick paste. The finished product has a variety of nutrients that could improve health.

Today, many manufacturers include substances that can lower the nutritional value of their products, such as sugar, vegetable oil, and trans fats. You can readily find natural peanut butter online and at health food stores and specialized grocers.

Seek a product with just a small amount of salt as the only component. Another way to prepare peanut butter at home is to pulse peanuts in a food processor until the texture you want is achieved. 

Can Hedgehogs Eat Peanut Butter?

Do Hedgehogs Eat Peanut Butter

For hedgehogs, peanut butter is not a healthy choice, though. Therefore, don’t give it to them; giving peanut butter to hedgehogs poses several risks. The high-calorie content of peanut butter is unhealthy for hedgehogs. The little mammals’ bodies require very few calories to sustain themselves.

Therefore, if you feed the hedgehogs peanut butter, the extra calories will be turned into fat and stored in their bodies. Eventually, they may gain weight, become lethargic, and develop a variety of illnesses.  In addition to the aforementioned, peanut butter may contain aflatoxin if it is produced from inferior peanuts.

The carcinogen aflatoxin is created by a fungus that thrives on improperly stored peanuts. If your hedgehog eats peanut butter that contains aflatoxin, it could get liver damage or worse. Give your hedgehog peanut butter if you are ready to take a chance, but make sure to follow these safety measures:

  • Give it peanut butter sporadically and in very small doses.
  • Offer it only with smooth peanut butter—never crunchy.
  • Choose organic peanut butter because it will have fewer or no additives. Although it costs more, it is comparatively safer.
  • When providing peanut butter as a treat for the hedgehog, exclude other high-calorie foods from its diet. 

Hedgehog Basic Diet

Hedgehogs are mostly carnivores in the wild, and they feed mostly at night. Their primary sources of food are insects and small young animals. Hedgehogs occasionally consume plant material, including fruit and vegetables. Their favorite foods are earthworms, gut-loaded insects, and occasionally a pinky mouse.

In captivity, it’s crucial to provide your hedgehog with a similar diet. In this manner, your hedgehog will always receive the exact amount of nourishment it requires. Since your hedgehog’s circadian rhythm dictates when it should eat, it is ideal to feed it at night.

Give your hedgehog diet items designed specifically for hedgehogs, including pinky mice and gut-loaded insects. You can also feed prepared meat, like chicken, to your hedgehog. But don’t season, oil, or butter the meat in any way. Add permissible fruits and vegetables to their diet, which we go over below.

Is Peanut Butter Safe For Hedgehogs?

The quick response is that hedgehogs shouldn’t eat peanut butter. As we previously discussed, peanut butter has a very high fat and calorie content that can lead to weight gain and other health issues in your hedgehog. It can also be a choking hazard, especially the crunchy variety.

Furthermore, peanut butter is bad for your hedgehog for a few other reasons. Your hedgehog may become overweight and sedentary due to the high-calorie content if they are unable to burn off the extra calories. It is advisable to refrain from giving them peanut butter and to maintain their regular diet while keeping an eye on their caloric intake.

Nutritional Value of Peanut Butter

When it comes to feeding our hedgehogs, we want to ensure that they receive the greatest nourishment possible. The following nutrients are found in the peanut butter given below:

Nutrient Amount per Serving
Calories 190 mg
Total Fat 16 g
Saturated Fat 3 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 150 mg
Total Carbohydrates 7 g
Dietary Fiber 2 g
Sugars 2 g
Protein 7 g

Nutritional Value of Peanut Butter

Risk Of Feeding Peanut Butter To Hedgehog

Our hedgehogs get no nutritional advantage from peanut butter. In essence, hedgehogs are omnivores or insectivores. As a result, their diet ought to include both their kibble and a selection of well-balanced insects and worms.

Since peanut butter lacks the vitamins and minerals that their bodies require, giving them any amount of it improves their health. Peanut butter has the complete opposite impact.

High Calories

As much as we think chubby hedgehogs are adorable, it is no secret that weight issues can lead to severe health consequences like diabetes and heart conditions. Therefore, if your hedgehogs are struggling with weight issues, you’ll want to pass on any peanut butter treats.

Ratio of Calcium to Phosphorus

The metabolic bone disease that affects hedgehogs is largely brought on by an overall imbalance in the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in their diets. About 7 mg of calcium and 60 mg of phosphorus are included in 1 tablespoon of peanut butter; nevertheless, a healthy hedgie requires a 2:1 or 1:1 ratio.

This indicates that hedgehogs require calcium levels that are equal to or greater than phosphorus levels. The phosphorus content of peanut butter is excessively elevated. 

Poisoning with Xylitol

The majority of peanut butter manufacturers replace sugar with xylitol. While it is thought to be excellent for humans, our hedgehogs may find it to be exceedingly harmful. Xylitol is a common sweetener that has been seen in a lot of items lately.

It’s a naturally occurring sweetener that can help people with diabetes. These substances are more difficult for hedgehogs to digest than they are for humans. As a result, we must be extremely cautious about the food we give our animals.

Excess Salt

Jars of peanut butter are heavy in salt. Seldom will you come across peanut butter without salt in it. It is neither necessary nor appropriate for our hedgehogs to eat salt. If used in excess, it may cause health issues. 

Extra Fats

Given their tendency toward obesity, feeding hedgehogs a diet heavy in fat (and sugar, of course) daily can result in an obese hedgehog. A hedgehog that is overweight can usually be identified by its plump legs and inability to curl into a ball like a healthy hedgehog.

When your hedgehog rolls into a ball, and you can see its face, ears, and feet, this is usually a sign of obesity. In addition to heart disease and calcium shortage, obesity can result in many other health problems. 

Potential Choking Hazard

Peanut butter is, as we all know, very sticky and thick. Regretfully, this implies that it may effortlessly become entangled in our hedgehog’s neck. For our hedgehogs, even a small bit of peanut butter might cause choking hazards. It would be beneficial if you never gave your pet one of these sticky treats. 

Are Hedgehogs Allergic To Peanut Butter?

A common dietary allergy among the general population is to peanuts, and the same is true for hedgehogs. Even some hedgehogs exhibit negative effects after consuming this kind of food:

  • Itchy skin
  • Watery eyes
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Skin Inflammation
  • Difficulty in breathing

In any case, feeding our hedgehogs peanut butter can have a seriously detrimental effect on their health. Therefore, avoid giving your hedgehog peanut butter.

What Should I Do If My Hedgehog Eat Peanut Butter?

what to do if hedgehog eats peanut butter

If your hedgehog has consumed a small quantity of peanut butter, you shouldn’t be concerned. They won’t be greatly impacted. I do suggest visiting a veterinarian if your pet has consumed an excessive amount of peanut butter. If our hedgehogs eat certain substances in excess, it can be quite problematic for them. These ingredients are included in the peanut butter.

When hedgehogs eat peanut butter, they may even experience unpleasant and itchy urination. It could even trigger certain allergic reactions. Therefore, you should contact the local veterinary clinic right away if your hedgehogs have consumed an excessive amount of peanut butter or exhibit any unfavorable symptoms. 

What Other Kinds Of Foods Are Toxic For Hedgehog?

Aside from peanut butter, hedgehogs should avoid the following foods:

Because they can result in renal failure, grass grapes have the potential to be toxic to hedgehogs. Hedgehogs are also poisoned by avocados due to the fungicidal toxin person. For a variety of causes, hedgehogs are also poisoned by raisins, garlic, potatoes, mushrooms, chocolate, and onions.

Pineapple will irritate your tummy. Because of the substances they include, bread, processed meat, and seasoned meat are not the best options. Microbes that might lead to gastrointestinal tract infections may be present in raw meat. Nuts and seeds can cause choking hazards. Additionally, they could cause dental infections if they become lodged in the hedgehog’s mouth.

Hedgehogs shouldn’t be allowed to eat grass. Hedgehogs do not always have trouble with grasses. However, the grass is not suitable for them if it has been sprayed with pesticides, fertilizer, or other similar substances. Thus, you may easily get rid of the grasses.

Other Foods Safe For Hedgehogs 

Hedgers benefit greatly from zucchini. However, there are plenty of other vegetable options you might think about if your hedgehog doesn’t like zucchini or if you just want to switch things up occasionally. I’ve provided you with a list of ideas:


  • Cucumber 
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Green beans
  • Asparagus 
  • Broccoli 
  • Dandelion greens
  • Bell peppers 
  • Tomatoes 


  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cherries
  • Kiwi
  • Mangoes

Insects and Sources of Protein



Cooked chicken

Cooked eggs, either hard-boiled or scrambled

Low-fat, raw meats without seasoning

Commercial Hedgehog Meals

You can provide commercial hedgehog food in addition to fruits, veggies, and protein sources. These items should comprise the majority of a hedgehog’s diet because they are specifically designed to fulfill their nutritional demands. Seek options with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and high-quality protein. 


Q1. Can hedgehogs eat peanut butter?

No, hedgehogs should not eat peanut butter. Peanut butter is high in fat and calories, which can lead to weight gain and other health issues in hedgehogs. Additionally, peanut butter may contain substances like aflatoxin and xylitol, which can be harmful to hedgehogs.

Q2. What are the risks of feeding peanut butter to hedgehogs?

Feeding peanut butter to hedgehogs can pose several risks, including:

  • Presence of aflatoxin, a carcinogen, in inferior quality peanuts.
  • Potential choking hazard due to the sticky texture of peanut butter.
  • Allergic reactions in some hedgehogs.

Q3. Is peanut butter safe for hedgehogs in moderation?

It’s not recommended to feed peanut butter to hedgehogs even in moderation due to its high fat and calorie content and potential health risks. Hedgehogs should be fed a balanced diet consisting primarily of insectivore-specific foods and occasional fruits and vegetables.

Q4. What other foods are toxic for hedgehogs?

Besides peanut butter, hedgehogs should avoid foods such as grapes, avocados, raisins, onions, chocolate, spicy food, pineapple, garlic, mushrooms, and seeds. These foods can be toxic or pose choking hazards to hedgehogs.

Q5. What foods are safe for hedgehogs to eat?

Safe foods for hedgehogs include commercially available hedgehog food, insects (e.g., mealworms, superworms), cooked chicken or eggs, and select fruits and vegetables like apples, bananas, blueberries, cucumber, and spinach.


In conclusion, Can hedgehogs eat peanut butter? Hedgehogs should not be given peanut butter. The high fat and calorie content of peanut butter can contribute to health issues like obesity, and there are also possible hazards from pollutants like aflatoxin.

To keep your hedgehog healthy and happy, feed it only specially prepared hedgehog food, insects, and sometimes fruits and vegetables. For advice on the diet and general health of your hedgehog, always see a veterinarian.