Can Hedgehogs Eat Pineapple? Benefits, Risks, and More

It’s time to reassess if you think of yourself as a hedgehog enthusiast! As pets, hedgehogs need a lot of the owners’ time and attention. Naturally, not everything they eat is healthy for them. We’ll examine pineapple today and see “Can hedgehogs eat pineapple?”  

The answer to the above question is yes, hedgehogs can eat pineapple’s crucial to remember that apples don’t meet a hedgehog’s nutritional demands in a significant way, thus they might not be good for them. Still, they’re a delicious treat. Do you want to know more? Learn more about hedgehogs and mealworms by reading on.

Can Hedgehogs Eat Pineapple?

Do Hedgehogs Eat Pineapple

Yes, hedgehogs eat pineapple but in less quantity. Vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals are all found in good amounts in pineapple. It does, however, also contain a lot of sugar, which, if ingested in excess, may be toxic to hedgehogs.

It’s crucial to feed your hedgehog pineapple in moderation if you decide to do so. It should be enough to have a small bit of fresh pineapple once or twice a week. The pineapple’s skin and core should also be removed because hedgehogs may find them tough to eat.

Pineapple should be introduced gradually, just like any other new meal, and you should keep an eye out for any negative reactions in your hedgehog. You should probably stop giving pineapple to your hedgehog going forward if it causes diarrhea or other digestive problems.

In conclusion, pineapple is a food that hedgehogs can eat in moderation as part of a healthy diet. To prevent any stomach problems, it’s crucial to remove the skin and core and administer it gradually.

Is It Safe For Hedgehogs to Eat Pineapple?

Hedgehogs should only consume small amounts of pineapple—not too much. Here, moderation is crucial because fruits of all sorts contain a fair amount of sugar, and excessive sugar can cause pets to become overweight, which is particularly dangerous for hedgehogs.

However, keep in mind that a little creature like a hedgehog would interpret a small bit of fruit differently. Scientists advise consuming no more than ¼ teaspoon of fruit every day! Continue reading to learn everything there is to know about giving pineapples to hedgehogs.

Hedgehogs Like To Eat Pineapple?

Most of their traits are shared by hedgehogs, and the majority of their behaviors are related to their weights. Being underweight also indicates that your hedgehog consumes bad foods and has a poor digestive system, which can lead to weariness and decreased activity levels.

The majority of underweight hedgehogs avoid eating and refuse to take any food at all. Refusing food causes the hedgehog to lose more weight and may have an impact on its age. The only thing the pet owner can do is spoil the hedgehogs to make sure they eat their regular food. For instance, you might give him raspberries or strawberries in place of pineapple.

Nutritional Value of Pineapple 

The tropical fruit pineapple is renowned for having a sweet and tart flavor. It is also an excellent provider of nutrients, which are vital to human health. 

Vitamins and Minerals

The following are a few nutritional advantages of pineapple:

 Nutrients Quantity
Vitamin C 9 mg
Vitamin A 7 mg
Potassium 180 mg
Iron 5 mg
Folate 8 mg
Vitamin K 2 mcg
Calcium 5 mg
Magnesium 8 mg
Phosphorus 2 mg

Nutritional Value of Pineapple 

Vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps shield our bodies from harm from free radicals, is found in pineapples. It also includes potassium, which aids in blood pressure regulation, and vitamin B6, which is critical for brain growth and function.


Because of its high fiber content, pineapples are beneficial for digestive health. Fibre can help avoid constipation and maintain the health of our digestive systems.


Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapples that has anti-inflammatory qualities. It has been demonstrated that bromelain aids in lowering bodily inflammation, which may lessen the symptoms of illnesses like arthritis.

Pineapple is a fruit that is heavy in sugar and healthy, so it’s best to eat it in moderation. Nonetheless, adding pineapple to a well-balanced diet might offer several health advantages. 

Health Benefits for Hedgehogs

A tasty fruit that is rich in antioxidants and minerals is the pineapple. Additionally, it is an excellent source of vitamin C, a nutrient that hedgehogs require. Hedgehogs who eat pineapple may benefit from the following possible health benefits:

1. Immune system stimulation

The high vitamin C content of pineapples aids in the immune system’s stimulation. This can aid hedgehogs in warding off illnesses and infections.

2. Enhances Digestion

 Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples, is a digestive aid that may aid in better digestion. This is particularly advantageous for hedgehogs who frequently experience intestinal problems.

3. Reduces inflammation

The anti-inflammatory qualities of bromelain may also aid in the body’s reduction of inflammation. For hedgehogs with arthritis or other inflammatory diseases, this may be helpful.

4. Encourages healthy skin

Vitamin C and other antioxidants found in pineapples can aid in the promotion of healthy skin. Hedgehogs with skin conditions may benefit from this.

Because pineapple contains a lot of sugar, it’s vital to remember that hedgehogs should only eat it occasionally. Sugar overindulgence can result in diabetes, obesity, and other health problems. The pineapple’s skin and core should also be removed because hedgehogs may find them tough to eat. When fed in moderation, pineapple may generally be a delightful and healthful addition to a hedgehog’s diet.

Risks of Feeding Pineapple To Hedgehogs

According to the veterinarian’s explanation and the findings from the internet sources, feeding pineapple is strictly prohibited. If you decide to go against our counsel and still proceed, be mindful of the possible negative effects.

This is a rundown of them.

Side Effect Chances When Given Pineapple
Digestive Disturbances High (50%)
Metabolic Imbalance Moderate (25%)
Dental Issues Low to Moderate (20%)

1. Digestive Disorders

Citric acid and natural sugars are abundant in pineapples. These sugars can cause an imbalance in a hedgehog’s digestive tract if they are consumed.

Their stomachs are not made to handle foods with a lot of sugar, which can cause bloating, diarrhea, and other problems. Dehydration can result from the numerous bowel movements brought on by these disruptions, which is especially dangerous for such tiny animals.

In addition, the hedgehog’s stomach lining may become irritated by the citric acid in pineapples. In severe situations, this inflammation may cause symptoms including tiredness, decreased appetite, and even vomiting.

When you introduce any new food to your hedgehog, especially something as acidic as pineapple, it’s important to keep an eye on its behavior and the consistency of its feces. 

2. Unbalanced Metabolism

When it comes to other animals, hedgehogs have a different metabolic rate. Their blood sugar levels may surge as a result of the sugars in pineapples. If used regularly over time, this may cause metabolic issues such as insulin resistance.

A metabolic imbalance in a hedgehog might manifest as weight loss, increased thirst, and frequent urination. If the underlying reason isn’t treated, these symptoms may start mildly and become more severe. For hedgehogs to continue having the best possible metabolic health, they must eat a steady, well-balanced diet. 

3. Dental Problems

The dental health of a hedgehog may potentially be endangered by the sugars found in pineapples. Although hedgehogs don’t usually get cavities like people do, they can nonetheless get gum infections and dental plaque from frequent exposure to sugary meals.

Gums that are swollen or bleeding, trouble eating, or a distinct bad breath can all be indicators of dental problems in hedgehogs. It is advised to get regular dental examinations, particularly if you have been experimenting with their diet.

It’s better to avoid sharing a slice of pineapple with your hedgehog, even though it might look appealing. The temporary enjoyment it may provide for your pet is greatly outweighed by the possible negative effects.

Feeding Pineapple To Hedgehogs

Feeding Pineapple To Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs can enjoy a sweet and nutritious treat if pineapple is given to them properly, though. Hedgehogs can be fed pineapple by following these recommendations.

Preparation of pineapple

Make sure the pineapple is fresh and ripe before giving it to your hedgehog. Since the skin and core are rough and difficult to digest, cut them off. To make the pineapple easier for your hedgehog to eat, cut it into little pieces approximately the size of a blueberry.

Size of pineapple

Hedgehogs should only be fed pineapple occasionally. For one serving, a tiny portion—roughly the size of a blueberry—is plenty. Watch how much pineapple you feed your hedgehog because overfeeding can cause stomach problems, like diarrhoea.

Availability of Pineapple

Hedgehogs should only sometimes have pineapple as a treat. It shouldn’t be a consistent component of their diet. It’s a good idea to feed your hedgehog pineapple once a week. You may safely and happily serve pineapple to your hedgehog as a nutritious treat by following these instructions. 

How Often Can A Hedgehog Eat Pineapple?

Your hedgehog can have pineapple just once or twice per week. Be sure that you don’t offer pineapple on the same day as you provide other treats that are high in sugar unless you reduce the usual amounts so that all fruits add up to just a single serving.

How Much Of A Hedgehog Is Allowed To Eat?

Even though your hedgehog may not agree with the consensus on little amounts, indeed, tiny pieces work best.

Here’s how much pineapple your hedgehog should eat:

Hedgehog pup Adult hedgehogs none One one-inch pineapple square. Continue with the routine even if your hedgehog cries out for more. If taken in excess, the acid in pineapples can cause mouth sores, and consuming too much sugar can result in serious digestive problems like diarrhea and upset stomachs.

It’s important to keep a close eye out for any negative reactions, such as diarrhea, once your hedgehog has eaten pineapple for the first time. This could mean that they are unable to handle the fruit or that you have fed them too much.

Apples, grapes, and blueberries are nice options that are far gentler on your hedgehog’s digestive system.


Q1. Can hedgehogs eat pineapple?

Yes, hedgehogs can eat pineapple, but it should be given in moderation. Pineapple contains natural sugars and acids that, if consumed in excess, can lead to digestive issues like diarrhea and upset stomachs.

Q2. How much pineapple can a hedgehog eat?

Hedgehog pups should not be given pineapple, while adult hedgehogs can have a one-inch square of pineapple once or twice a week. It’s important to monitor their intake to prevent overconsumption.

Q3. Is pineapple safe for hedgehogs?

Pineapple is safe for hedgehogs when given in small amounts and with caution. Removing the skin and core of the pineapple is essential, as they can be tough for hedgehogs to digest.

Q4. What are the risks of feeding pineapple to hedgehogs?

Risks include digestive disturbances, metabolic imbalances, and potential dental issues due to the sugars and acids in pineapple. It’s crucial to observe hedgehogs for any adverse reactions after feeding them pineapple.

Q5. How often can hedgehogs eat pineapple?

Hedgehogs can eat pineapple once or twice per week. However, it’s important to avoid offering pineapple on the same day as other sugary treats and to limit the overall amount of fruit given to hedgehogs.


In conclusion, Can Hedgehogs Eat Pineapple? Hedgehogs can eat pineapples, but only in small quantities and on rare occasions. Pineapple can give hedgehogs the vitamins and minerals they need, but because it can lead to stomach problems and obesity, it should only be given in moderation and infrequently.

Thorough preparation is required to avoid choking hazards, which includes peeling off the tough outer skin and top. It is advisable to speak with a veterinarian before adding pineapple to a hedgehog’s diet.