What Noise Does A Hedgehog Make? Sounds & Their Meanings

Hedgehogs, those lovely yet prickly creatures, have captivated us for ages. But have you ever wondered whether they make any noise? It’s a question that attracts our interest and transports us to the realm of these mysterious animals. 

It’s generally a query posted in the search what noise does a hedgehog make? You’ll wonder if hedgies produce a noise that sounds just like the small squeezy noise a mouse makes. Hedgehog sounds include squeaking, chirping, grunting, huffing, whistling, snuffling, and many others. 

A hog produces a startling variety of noises, most of which can be explained away if you get used to hearing them. In this article, we will look into the interesting world of hedgehog communication and see if these spiky buddies make any distinguished noises. 

Do Hedgehogs Make Noise?

hedgehog noise

Yes, Hedgehogs make different noises. Hedgehogs are known for their distinct look, which includes quills that act as a protective screen against predators. However, these intriguing animals are much more than their physical characteristics.

Understanding their communication styles is critical to unlocking the secrets of their behavior and requirements. By investigating whether hedgehogs produce noise, we can get crucial insights regarding their surroundings. Hedgehog’s noise depends on their mood swings and also depends on the environment. 

What Noise Does A Hedgehog Make?

Hedgehogs can be rather noisy considering their size! They generate a lot of noise, particularly at night while you’re trying to sleep. It’s like having really noisy neighbors next door. They can keep you awake with all their noise when you’re lying in bed trying to sleep.

  • Grunting and snuffling, as if a pig or hedgehog were out seeking food.
  • Chuffing like a steam locomotive indicates mating season.
  • Chirping like a young bird indicates hungry hoglets in the nest.
  • Screaming Hedgehog indicates agony and suffering.
  • Hissing Hedgehog = warning indication – stay away!
  • Clicking and “popping” Hedgehogs represent a challenge, usually to other males during mating season. 

Do You Speak Hedgehog?

If you’ve made a cozy home or food spot for hedgehogs in your garden, you might hear some interesting sounds. Your local hedgehog can make all sorts of noises, from chirps like a baby bird to loud huffs like a train, depending on how she’s feeling. Some of these sounds might surprise you at first, but once you understand them, they’re not so alarming.

You’ll be able to tell when a hedgehog needs assistance, when they’re happy, and when they’re angry once you know what their noises indicate. Now let’s explore some Hedgehog dialects. The top 12 hedgehog sounds you could hear in the garden are listed below, along with an explanation of each one.

Hedgehog Sounds And Meanings

Are you trying to find out the hedgehog sounds? We are available to help you. Now let’s discuss the noises and their meaning.

1. Hedgehog Chirping

This sound may be confused with the chirping of baby birds, especially when it happens around the same time as garden bird chicks are born. However, it is the joyous squeaks of newborn hedgehogs in their nest, suggest that they are hungry and hunting for food.

2. Hedgehog Grunting

The “hog” in their name comes from this fundamental hedgehog sound. It’s the sound hedgehogs make while out and about at night, occupied with their nighttime food hunt. A grunting, snuffling hog is quite content and should be permitted to go about her job, despite the noise level sometimes being startlingly high.

3. Hedgehog Chuffing

During the mating season in May and June, you may hear a strange sound coming from your garden. This behavior, known as chuffing, is mostly shown by the female hedgehog while the male circles her. She may appear to be attempting to frighten him away! It’s easy to identify because of the sound, which is like a little steam train.

4. Hedgehog Coughing

For a hedgehog, coughing is not a good indication. The hedgehog may have something lodged in its throat or its nest may be unclean and dusty, as evidenced by a dry, harsh cough that resembles “barking.” On the other hand, a persistent wet “chesty” cough, similar to a smoker’s cough, is more dangerous. This may indicate lungworm in your hog, in which case you should get in touch with your neighborhood hedgehog rescue. 

5. Hedgehog Screaming 

hedgehog screaming noise

A hedgehog’s scream may sound like a crying child, but it is a warning indication of imminent disaster. This noise is only made when a hedgehog is seriously harmed or in agony, such as when it is stuck or damaged. If you hear this sound, it is crucial to investigate and determine what is happening since the hedgehog will want your aid.

6. Hedgehog Sneezing

You may watch hedgehogs sneezing, and it is quite cute! Usually, it’s nothing more serious than something tickling their nose. However, it’s more concerning if they continue to sneeze a lot or if they begin to cough and wheeze at the same time. It’s preferable to ask for assistance from a hedgehog rescue.

7. Hedgehog Quacking

Hearing this sound from a hedgehog is quite strange. Screaming is a distress notification too. However, quacking is a sound made when a condition isn’t nearly as terrible as screaming, which is uttered when the hedgehog is in pain. If a hedgehog gets caught in something, it may produce a quacking sound. When they’re hungry, young hedgehogs also frequently make this sound.

8. Hedgehog Hissing

If you see a hissing hedgehog, you should avoid it, just as you would a hissing snake. When a hedgehog hisses, it means they are irritated and want you, other hedgehogs, or other animals to move away. They frequently produce this sound when their nest is disturbed, or if they feel trapped or endangered by a predator. So, if you hear a hedgehog hissing, give them room and let them calm down.

9. Hedgehog Barking or Clicking

Hedgehogs will also turn their heads and bob up as they produce this brief, piercing sound, which some have compared to barking or clicking. The action represents the hedgehog trying to head-butt its opponent and attack them with its spines, and the noise is a challenge.

During mating season, the noise is most frequently heard when a man confronts another. However, if you irritate your neighborhood pigs, you can also discover them growling or clicking at you. It would be best to back off to a safe distance since you don’t want to get stabbed in the skull and head by an enraged hedgehog.

10. Hedgehog Whistling

A hedgehog’s whistling noise is unusual, although it can occur under specific settings. This sound may be heard if a hedgehog is having respiratory problems or if anything is blocking its airways. If you hear this sound, pay close attention since it may signal that the hedgehog requires medical assistance. Whistling noises should provoke a deeper look to guarantee the hedgehog’s health. If you hear recurrent whistling, you should call a veterinarian or a wildlife specialist for additional examination and help.

11. Hedgehog Huffing

hedgehog huffing noise

A hedgehog may be attempting to assert their dominance if you hear them puffing. When they feel uncertain, apprehensive, or uneasy about something occurring in their surroundings, they frequently act in this way. They believe that by growing larger than the threat, the threat would eventually retreat from them. They are striving to be the dominating force in case of an assault, but they haven’t yet reached the point of tearful, distraught wrath that would cause suffering.

12. Fear or Distress

Your hedgehog may quack like a duck when they are afraid or upset, which is a highly specific sound that indicates something is off. Your hedges may be in danger, so make sure to get to them as soon as you hear any of these noises. It won’t be understated. It will undoubtedly catch your interest. Alternatively, it might just be the surroundings that are upsetting them. If so, you may try relocating them to a more peaceful setting so they can unwind. 

Hedgehog Vocalizations

Hedgehogs have a variety of vocalizations that they use for various functions. This is one of their most frequent sounds, which they use as a defense technique when they sense danger. Potential predators are advised to avoid proximity to this powerful and pointed sound. Hedgehogs may also make noises like snorts or grunts when engaging in other activities like foraging or courting rituals. 

Factors And Environmental Influences

Like all living things, hedgehogs are subject to a variety of influences that may affect their vocalizations. Determining the causes of these sounds requires an understanding of these effects. Let’s examine the main environmental, social, and health-related variables that might have an impact on hedgehog vocalizations.

The surrounding environment has a significant influence on hedgehog vocalizations. These organisms are sensitive to their surroundings, and a variety of factors can cause them to emit varied noises. When hedgehogs feel threatened or are in new or stressful settings, they may become more loud. Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and the presence of other animals may all influence the noises they create.

Do Hedgehogs Make Noise as Pets?

baby hedgehog noise

It’s important to consider the noise levels that hedgehogs may make in controlled environments as they become more and more popular as pets. Although hedgehogs are typically considered peaceful animals, it’s crucial to consider the possible noise problems that hedgehog owners may encounter.


Q1. What noises are made by hedgehogs?

Grunting and snuffling show a hedgehog’s desire for food, chuffing denotes mating season, chirping suggests hungry hoglets, and screaming reveals the hedgehog’s suffering and misery.

Q2. Do hedgehogs have sounds?

Hedgehogs produce a variety of noises, frequently at a frequency of about 8 kHz, including the endearing twittering of newborn hedgehogs and high-pitched whistles like metal pipes.

Q3. Do hedgehogs make joyful sounds?

Though the noise might be rather loud, a grunting, snuffling hog is completely happy and should be allowed to go about her task.

Q4. Why do hedgehogs make noise?

Hedgehogs produce noise for a variety of purposes, such as mating, communication, protection, and expressing pain or distress.

Q5. What should I do if I hear a hedgehog making unusual noises?

If you hear a hedgehog making repeated or upsetting noises, particularly screams, you should check to guarantee the hedgehog’s well-being. If you are worried, contact a local wildlife rescue organization or a veterinarian.


In conclusion, you’ll understand the noises after this post ‘What noise does a hedgehog make?’ You now have a better understanding of what your hedgehog is attempting to say. These critters’ temperament make them a bit of a gamble. If you observe that your hedgehog appears unhappy, attempt to identify potential reasons so you can improve the environment. Conversely, if you observe that your hedgehog appears happy, you must be doing something correctly. Yes, you are doing the right thing by learning everything you can about the pet you have selected.