Can Hedgehogs Eat Grapes? Grapes vs. Other Safe Fruits

Hedgehogs are unusual little pets, and changing their diet can occasionally be difficult, particularly when introducing new foods. To begin with, you may want to find out if hedgehogs can eat grapes before sharing a lovely bowl of fruit with them.

As omnivores, hedgehogs are not limited to eating only one type of food, unlike herbivores and carnivores. You may have a lot of questions about what hedgehogs should and shouldn’t eat after learning this.

It will be easier to provide your hedgehog with a nutritious diet and all they require for normal growth and development if you know what foods you can and cannot feed them.

The common answer of Can Hedgehogs Eat Grapes? No, You cannot feed hedgehog grapes. Hedgehogs are poisoned by grapes, which can eventually kill them. It would be preferable if your hedgehogs weren’t given grapes.

Always consult with a veterinarian or an expert in hedgehog care to ensure you provide the best nutrition for your pet hedgehog. So, you should know right away that you should never serve this small round fruit as a snack.

What Are Grapes?

Grapes are tasty, juicy fruits that grow from the Vitis flowering plant. Sediment layers from the Northern Hemisphere’s Neogene and Paleogene periods, which lasted between 2.6 million to 65 million years ago, contain fossilized grape leaves, stems, and seeds, indicating that grapes are an ancient plant.

Grapefruit comes in a wide range of colors and variants, including blue, pink, red, amber, black, and many more. They can be used to produce wine, jam, juice, jelly, grape seed extract, vinegar, and grape seed oil. 

Can Hedgehogs Eat Grapes?

do hedgehogs eat grapes

Hedgehogs cannot eat grapes. Hedgehogs are omnivores, although not all plants are good for consumption. Although grapes can appear to be:

Although harmless, many animals, especially hedgehogs, may react unfavorably to them. Hedgehogs can be poisoned by both grapes and raisins, requiring immediate medical attention if consumed.

Hedgehogs’ digestive tract cannot digest raisins and grapes, leading to harmful effects when ingested. Pesticides applied to grapes can have severe effects. Hedgehogs should avoid eating grapes due to their negative impact on their kidneys.  

Risks of Feeding Grapes To Hedgehogs

If you unintentionally feed grapes to your hedgehog, it might result in kidney and organ failure. Immediately take your hedgehog to the veterinarian for assistance. There is no appropriate research to determine whether a specific portion of the grape causes harm to hedgehogs.

However, other experiments have shown that grapes harm hedgehogs. According to some specialists, the problem could be with the grape skin. Grape peel is not metabolized correctly by hedgehogs. It can accumulate in hedgehog kidneys, causing renal failure.

We appreciate that hedgehogs are not typical household pets and might be difficult to care for. That is why we’re here for you. You might think that grapes are harmless to your adorable little hedgehog. However, a grape can cause great harm to your hedgehog. 

The first indicators of grape toxicity in hedgehogs are weariness and loss of appetite, which can develop as soon as 24 hours or less after the hedgehog consumes the grape. Other indicators of grape poisoning are:

  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea
  • Symptoms may include increased thirst or excessive urination.
  • Anuria can lead to dehydration.
  • Seizures 

Nutritional Value Of Grapes

When it comes to feeding our hedgehogs, we want to ensure that they receive the greatest nourishment possible. A common question is whether hedgehogs can eat grapes.

Grapes are a high-sugar fruit that should be offered to hedgehogs in moderation. While hedgehogs can consume grapes, it is crucial to remember that they should be offered as a treat rather than as part of their daily diet.

Hedgehogs require a well-balanced diet including protein, fat, and fiber. Fruits such as grapes can be a wonderful source of vitamins and minerals, but they should not account for a large amount of their diet. We recommend that hedgehogs eat a mix of invertebrates, lean meats, and vegetables.

Name Green Grape’s Quantity
Energy 80 kilocalories
Water 79.9 grams
Protein 0.9 gram
Fat 0.23 gram
Carbohydrate 18.6 grams
Sugars 16.1 grams
Calcium 10 milligrams
Magnesium 7.1 milligrams
Phosphorus 22 milligrams
Potassium 218 milligrams
Sodium 3 milligram
Vitamin C 3 milligrams

Nutritional Value Of Grapes

Which Fruits Are Safe For Hedgehogs To Eat

Your hedgehog can be fed the following fruits:

Fruit Nutrients
Melon High water and mineral content
Apples Vitamins and Phytochemicals
Pear Fibre and minerals
Berries Antioxidants
Banana Folate, Manganese, Potassium, Vitamin C and B6


Melon, when eaten in moderation and in little bits, is beneficial to hedgehogs. Melons are great for the body in the summer because of their high water content.


The sugar level of strawberries is quite low. Strawberries are a safer alternative for a hedgehog than other fruits, which need to be watched due to their high sugar content. You can give them large quantities of these fruits without fear.


Apples are rich in phytochemicals and vitamins. A hedgehog can eat an apple for three or four days without risk. As apple consumption rises, there’s a chance your pet may consume excessive amounts of sugar, which might lead to health issues including obesity.


Minerals and fiber can be found in pears. The body needs these nutrients to function properly. Don’t forget to peel pears before feeding them to your hedgehog. Slice the pear into tiny pieces for the hedgehog to eat.


Bananas may cause hedgehogs with high blood sugar levels. Giving it to them in moderation is safe, though. Folate, manganese, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 are all abundant in bananas. These support healthy blood pressure and a robust immune system. 

Go light on the portions, even though these will be much-appreciated additions to their regular menu. Fruit naturally contains sugar. In moderation, it’s acceptable, but too much, too frequently, can lead to health problems, including obesity.

Additionally, chop the dried fruits into small pieces before giving them to your hedgehog. These fruits present a choking threat due to their sticky nature.

What Do You Do If Your Hedgehog Eats A Grape?

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above or discover that your hedgehog has eaten grapes, contact your veterinarian right away. There’s nothing you can do, and there’s no good technique to induce vomiting in a hedgehog at home. So the only thing you can do is contact a veterinarian and schedule an emergency appointment. Remember that waiting for symptoms to appear before taking action is a horrible idea.

Expert Views Regarding Hedges and Grapes

There is some disagreement regarding whether or not hedgehogs can consume grapes when it comes to feeding them. We spoke with many subject-matter specialists to have a deeper comprehension of the subject.

Hedgehogs are not poisoned by grapes, according to veterinarian Dr. Karen Rosenthal, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. But because grapes are high in sugar, she says don’t feed them to hedgehogs.

However, veterinary surgeon and The Spruce Pets columnist Dr. Lianne McLeod says that hedgehogs may occasionally receive grapes as a reward. She suggests giving the hedgehog only tiny portions of seedless grapes and keeping an eye out for any indications of stomach distress.

Although grapes are generally not poisonous to hedgehogs, they should only be fed occasionally as treats. It is crucial to keep in mind that fresh veggies and premium hedgehog food should make up the majority of a hedgehog’s diet.

Weight Gain in Hedgehogs

One may ask how an animal so little could get fat. Obesity can strike hedgehogs extremely quickly. It is a frequent risk for them. The fat hedgehogs may have pockets of fat under their arms, as well as fatty legs.

Subcutaneous fat is the term for these fat pockets that accumulate in the body due to overeating. Hedgehogs that consume excessive amounts of sugar may become obese. Hedgehogs that are obese have numerous issues.

Their bones weaken and become brittle, increasing the risk of fractures. Another consequence of obesity is a calcium shortage in the bones. There are multiple methods to prevent your hedgehog from gaining weight.

How to Introduce Hedgehogs To Grapes

feed hedgehog grapes

Hedgehogs’ delicate digestive systems call for a careful introduction of grapes. Begin by providing them with tiny servings of grapes as a treat in addition to their usual diet. Keep an eye on their response because some hedgehogs might not be able to handle grapes. 

Let’s say your hedgehog exhibits symptoms of digestive trouble, such as an upset stomach or diarrhea. If that’s the case, it’s better to completely stop giving them grapes. Never let grapes become the primary food in their diet; instead, always keep an eye on their consumption.

Hedgehogs’ diet can be enriched and varied with the addition of grapes. On occasion, nevertheless, give in to their little servings of dietary demands. You need to feed your hedgehog a balanced diet to keep them healthy.  


Q1. Can hedgehogs eat grapes?

No, hedgehogs should not eat grapes. Grapes, along with raisins, can be toxic to hedgehogs and can cause serious health issues such as kidney failure.

Q2. What are the risks of feeding grapes to hedgehogs?

Feeding grapes to hedgehogs can result in kidney and organ failure. The digestive tract of hedgehogs cannot properly digest grapes, leading to harmful effects when ingested. Additionally, pesticides applied to grapes can have severe effects on hedgehogs.

Q3. What are the symptoms of grape toxicity in hedgehogs?

Symptoms of grape toxicity in hedgehogs include weariness, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst or excessive urination, anuria leading to dehydration, and seizures.

Q4. What fruits are safe for hedgehogs to eat?

Safe fruits for hedgehogs include melons, apples, pears, berries, and bananas. These fruits should be offered in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Q5. What should I do if my hedgehog eats a grape?

If your hedgehog consumes a grape or shows symptoms of grape toxicity, contact your veterinarian immediately for assistance. Waiting for symptoms to appear before taking action is not recommended.


To guarantee your hedgehog’s well-being, it’s critical to have a thorough understanding of their dietary requirements. Your prickly buddy will get the nourishment they need if you feed them a balanced diet that includes premium hedgehog food, protein-rich insects, and healthy fruits and vegetables. Therefore, the solution to this question is apparent. Can Hedgehogs Eat Grapes?

Make sure to constantly have fresh water available and refrain from giving them potentially dangerous items like grapes. Maintaining a healthy diet for your hedgehog is not only a wise move to help your website rank higher in search results, but it also shows that you are a conscientious pet owner. By creating this thorough and educational content, you can raise the possibility that it will rank higher in search results than other websites.