It’s time to reassess if you think of yourself as a hedgehog enthusiast! As pets, hedgehogs need a lot of the owners’ time and attention. However, since these little animals are food addicts, spending time with them during feedings may be essential to forging a solid bond.
As omnivores, hedgehogs are not limited to eating only one type of food, unlike herbivores and carnivores. You may have a lot of questions about what hedgehogs should and shouldn’t eat after learning this.
It will be easier to provide your hedgehog with a nutritious diet and all they require for normal growth and development if you know what foods you can and cannot feed them.
Can hedgehogs eat Watermelon? Yes, Hedgehogs can eat watermelon, but only in very small amounts. Watermelon contains many beneficial elements, however, if ingested in excess, these nutrients may become a bit excessive. As a result, watermelon should only be given to them periodically as a treat. Furthermore, cooked watermelons have more health benefits than raw ones.
In the sections that follow, we’ll go over the nutritional content of watermelon, its advantages and disadvantages for health, moderation, and preparation tips.
What Is Watermelon?
The edible fruit watermelon thrives in temperate to tropical climates, needing temperatures of approximately 25 °C (77 °F) to thrive. It’s not as squishy as most other fruits because it has a tough peel and no internal divisions. Though certain types are seedless, most watermelons have rich, juicy flesh that is either pink or crimson and filled with black seeds.
Both adults and kids enjoy watermelon as a snack because it’s low in calories, sweet, and refreshing. It can be blended to make fruit juice or wine, or sliced and eaten with other fruits and vegetables in a salad. As a result, one may always effectively include it in their meal plan.
Can Hedgehogs Eat Watermelon?
Yes, Hedgehogs can eat watermelon. For your pet, every bite of the delicious watermelon is packed with nutrients.
Hedgehogs are extremely fond of watermelon, and most of them find it to be extremely tempting, as many of their owners would attest. While there are a few advantages to giving your hedgehog watermelon, it’s crucial to keep in mind that fruit of any kind should only be given occasionally and never as a main source of nutrition.
Given that a watermelon contains about 92% water, your hedgehog may benefit greatly from eating it. Additionally, it has few calories and won’t cause your pet to gain any weight!
Although fructose is a natural sugar found in watermelons, the amount is so small that it shouldn’t be an issue. In addition, watermelons contain one of the greatest quantities of the beneficial antioxidant lycopene of any fruit, along with other nutrients like vitamins A, B6, and C.
In addition, it has a moderate amount of fiber and the amino acid L-citrulline, which aids in regulating blood flow. When combined with its high water content, these nutrients can benefit your hedgehog’s digestion.
Are Hedgehogs Able To Eat Watermelon?
Not only is watermelon a delicious treat for the hedgehog, but it also feeds him. For example, it is rich in vitamins that are good for hedgehogs. But watermelons also contain certain nutrients, albeit in an uneven amount.
As was previously mentioned, watermelon’s high water content satisfies the hedgehog’s need for water intake. Your pet hedgie’s immune system, skeletal system, and digestive system are strengthened by other macro and micronutrients in addition to water.
Nutritional Value Of Watermelon
Nutrients and minerals are abundant in watermelon. Apart from providing hydration assistance, it could also advance many areas of health. The following nutrients are found in it.
Name | Raw Watermelon’s Quantity |
Energy | 30 kilocalories |
Water | 91.4 grams |
Protein | 0.61 gram |
Fat | 0.15 gram |
Carbohydrate | 7.55 grams |
Fiber | 0.4 gram |
Sugars | 6.2 grams |
Vitamin B-6 | 0.045 milligrams |
Vitamin C | 8.1 milligrams |
Calcium | 7 milligrams |
Phosphorus | 11 milligrams |
Benefits Of Watermelon For Hedgehogs
You may be persuaded by the nutritional information about watermelons to feed your hedgehog watermelons regularly. Sadly, that is untrue. In actuality, watermelon has several drawbacks as well.
The imbalanced ratio of calcium to phosphorus is the first drawback. Because there is more phosphorus than calcium, phosphorus will bind to calcium and stop the body from absorbing it.
It is also possible to argue that the hedgehog will have a higher risk of metabolic bone disease if it continues to eat foods heavier in phosphorus than calcium. Food that has a balanced ratio of phosphorus to calcium is therefore crucial.
A lot of specialists advise that this ratio be either 1:1 or 1:2. However, the ratio for watermelon does not match the suggested values. An unbalanced calcium and phosphorus ratio does not preclude giving watermelon to your pet hedgie.
However, based on this ratio, we should only sometimes feed your hedgehog watermelon. To prevent this problem, you can also serve watermelon with some foods strong in calcium.
Risks of Feeding Watermelons To Hedgehogs
The nutritional facts on watermelons may lead you to believe that feeding your hedgehog watermelons regularly is the best course of action.
However, this is not the case, as watermelon has some drawbacks as well. The first drawback is the unbalanced phosphorus and calcium ratio. Because phosphorus has a higher content than calcium, it will bind to calcium and prevent it from being absorbed into the body.
Alternatively, this means that the hedgehog will be more likely to develop metabolic bone disease if it continues to eat food high in phosphorus than calcium. Therefore, food with a balanced phosphorus to calcium ratio is necessary. Many experts recommend that this ratio should be 1:2 or 1:1, but watermelon does not meet the recommended criteria.
Let us examine the essential information you should be aware of before giving your hedgehog watermelon.
High in Sugar
The majority of fruits, including watermelon, are heavy in sugar. Our hedgehogs may have extreme discomfort and inflammation in their mouths due to dental issues resulting from overindulgence in the fruit.
In addition, consuming too much sugar could cause our children to become obese and experience other digestive issues. On the other hand, feeding your hedgehog watermelons occasionally won’t damage them. It would be ideal to keep in mind that it is not advised to serve sugary food daily.
Minimal Calcium
There is an imbalance in the calcium content of watermelon. Watermelons have a very low calcium content. A vital component of our hedgehog’s diet is calcium. A diet rich in calcium is crucial for shielding our hedgehogs from serious and perhaps fatal diseases.
Watermelons lack a substantial amount of calcium, much like the majority of other fruits. Therefore, it is not a good idea to feed your hedgehog anything that won’t increase their daily intake of calcium.
How Can I Feed My Hedgehog Watermelons?
The highlight of your day can be crafting a treat for your hedgie. For this reason, we’ve created a helpful guide to assist you in swiftly getting the watermelon ready for your hedgie. Let’s examine the guide now.
Use organic watermelon
When it comes to health benefits, there is no substitute for organic food. Thus, it’s a good idea to get organic food for your hedgehog as well.
Purchasing organic watermelons could be expensive. However, wherever possible, you should feed your hedgie watermelon that hasn’t been treated with pesticides.
No Need to Wash
Serving your hedgie with watermelon flesh is the most important thing to remember. Thus, there’s no need to wash it. But you should wash it well if you’re giving your hedgie any other fruit.
Take out the seeds
When giving your pet hedgehog a piece of watermelon, always remember to take out the seeds.
Treat Size
Watermelon is enormous, as you are well aware. It does not imply that you must give your hedgie the entire watermelon. Never do that, or else you will suffer negative effects.
Give your pet a tiny amount of watermelon at a time. One tablespoon of fruits or vegetables should be given each day. For your hedge, a mere ½ tablespoon of watermelon is sufficient.
The treat size would change, though, if a wild hedgehog made an appearance in your garden. You ought to give him a tablespoon of watermelon. But keep in mind that in this instance, serve no other fruit or vegetable.
Can Watermelon Seeds Be Eaten by Hedgehogs?
Making sure all the seeds are out of the watermelon before giving it to our hedgehogs is crucial. Our small pets may be harmed by the fruit’s black seeds.
In rare circumstances, the black seeds may cause choking and even death. Our hedgehogs can safely eat the soft white seeds, but be sure to remove the remaining ones.
How Often Do You Feed Hedgehogs Watermelon?
A tablespoon of the watermelon should be fed to hedgehogs no more than twice or three times per week. Hedgehogs shouldn’t be fed watermelon regularly because it isn’t a basic diet.
Even though watermelon has a lot of minerals, it’s best to give your hedgie a little amount of it. The cause is the watermelon’s potentially harmful imbalance of calcium and phosphorus levels.
Many veterinarians advise hedgehogs to give fruits two or three times a week. In light of this, kindly serve watermelons just once a week.
Alternatively, you might serve a variety of fruits to provide your hedgie with a variety of nutrients. On the other hand, you shouldn’t give your hedgehog sweet fruits like watermelons every day.
The high sugar content of these fruits is the cause. Obesity results from eating high-sugar fruits daily. You don’t want your hedgehog to do that.
How To Store Watermelon
It’s crucial to know how to preserve watermelon, particularly if you bought it in large quantities or want to keep the ones you already have fresh.
How To Store Uncut Watermelon
An uncut watermelon should be stored out of direct sunlight in a cool, dark area such as a pantry. Storing it in a frigid environment, like a refrigerator, is not a smart idea as it can shorten its life. If the watermelon is ripe, it can be kept in this manner for up to two weeks; if not, it can be kept for longer.
How to Store Cut Watermelon
Although it can be difficult to store chopped watermelon, there are two excellent ways to keep it fresh. To stop moisture loss, the chopped watermelon can be sealed in a container and chilled at a low temperature.
Removing the rind and chopping the fruit into little slices for freezing is the second option. After the chunks are frozen, they can be kept for up to six months in an airtight container or freezer bag.
Q1. Is it okay for hedgehogs to have watermelon?
Absolutely! However, it’s important not to overdo it. While watermelon is nutritious, too much can lead to tummy troubles. So, give it in small amounts as a special treat.
Q2. Are watermelon seeds safe for hedgehogs to eat?
Best to play it safe and remove the black seeds. They could cause problems if swallowed. White seeds are usually fine, but it’s a good idea to take them out, just to be sure.
Q3. How often should I give my hedgehog watermelon?
Think of it as a once-in-a-while snack, not an everyday thing. Offer a tiny bit, like a teaspoon or two, two or three times a week. That way, you keep them happy without upsetting their stomachs.
Q4. Is it better to give hedgehogs raw or cooked watermelon?
Either works. Raw is fine, but some say cooked might be even better. Just make sure it’s in small portions since too much of a good thing isn’t always good.
Q5. Can hedgehogs have fruits other than watermelon?
Sure! They can enjoy a variety of fruits but don’t go overboard. Mix it up with different fruits and veggies to keep them healthy and happy.
In summary, Can Hedgehogs Eat Watermelon? Yes, hedgehogs can safely eat watermelon, which also offers important nutrients and refreshing relief from heat. Of course, moderation is crucial. Watermelon’s relatively high fiber and moisture content, when consumed in excess, can lead to digestive problems, including diarrhea. Two or three times a week, we advise giving your hedgehog no more than one or two teaspoons of watermelon.