Can Hedgehogs Eat Peas? A Guide to Feeding Peas to Hedgehogs

If you own a hedgehog, you must be a caring omnivore, as they eat practically anything they can get their hands on. Hedgehogs are omnivorous creatures that consume insects, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, and cereals. Hedgehogs are omnivorous, meaning they consume practically everything. Cautious of what your pet eats because it is not always healthy. Hedgehogs love to eat. 

They do not require much nutrition, but they do need fresh water and dry food. They also enjoy snuggling with other animals, such as cats or dogs, if they reside with them. But they also habitually steal their food if given the opportunity.  In this article, we’ll explain the common question can hedgehogs eat peas? The answer is yes. This is a nutrient-dense, naturally occurring food that is beneficial for them. Detailed information about this question is given below.

What Is Peas?

The tiny, spherical seeds that emerge from the pods that the Pisum sativum plant produces are known as “garden peas,” or green peas.

What Is Peas

They are consumed worldwide and have been a component of the human diet for hundreds of years. Green peas are not technically considered to be vegetables. They belong to the family of plants known as legumes, which includes those that produce seed-containing pods. Legumes include beans, peanuts, chickpeas, and lentils.

Nonetheless, this article will refer to green peas as a vegetable as they are frequently prepared and sold as such. They come in fresh, frozen, and canned forms. Green peas, along with potatoes, maize, and squash, are categorized as starchy vegetables due to their high content of complex carbohydrates, or starches.

There are many distinct kinds of peas available, such as purple, black-eyed, and yellow peas. Green peas are the most commonly eaten kind, though. Due to their similar look, snap peas and snow peas are two more popular kinds that are sometimes mistaken for green peas. Their nutritional composition and flavor, however, are slightly different.

Can Hedgehogs Eat Peas?

Do Hedgehogs Eat Peas

Peas are one of the numerous vegetables that hedgehogs may consume, along with carrots, broccoli, leafy greens, green peppers, and cucumbers. In the heat, these veggies may serve as an excellent supply of water for your hedgehog.

If you feed your hedgehog a diet rich in protein, then it should be fine. However, overindulging in carbs may lead to the development of diabetes in them.

Can Hedgehogs Eat Frozen Peas? 

You should not feed your hedgehog frozen peas because they are harder to break apart and you do not want your hedgehog to choke on them. Serving hot peas to your hedgehog is another thing you should avoid doing because they wouldn’t eat anything like this in the wild and may burn themselves.

Your hedgehog won’t have any trouble eating the peas if you boil them and then let them cool if you can’t obtain them fresh. Pay attention to the frozen peas’ components; if they have sweets, you should refrain from giving kids these peas. Sugars (natural and artificial) might create health concerns for your hedgehog in the long run.

Can Hedgehogs Eat Fresh Peas? 

Hedgehogs can eat something that is most similar to their natural diet by using fresh peas. This is a healthy, naturally occurring food option that is good for their nourishment. However, finding fresh peas out of season may be costly and difficult. 

Growing your peas becomes a sensible way to address these problems and guarantee a consistent supply. Growing peas in your garden or another appropriate outdoor area will not only give your hedgehog an affordable supply of food, but it will also be a rewarding pastime that strengthens your bond with the natural world and benefits the environment.

Nutritional Value Of Peas

Peas have a variety of nutrients, some of which are essential to the growth of your hedgehog. Among the essential elements that broccoli contains are the following ones:

Name Peas Quality
Water 79.98 g
Protein 5.42 g
Fat 0.4 g
Carbohydrate 14.45 g
Fiber 5.1 g
Sugars 5.67 g
Calcium 25 mg
Iron 1.47 mg
Magnesium 33 mg
Phosphorus 108 mg
Potassium 244 mg
Sodium 5 mg
Zinc 1.24 mg
Manganese 33 mg
Vitamin B-6 0.169 mg
Vitamin C 40 mg
Vitamin E 0.13 mg

Nutritional Value Of Peas

Should You Talk To Your Vet Before Feeding Your Hedgehog Peas?

Yes, it is essential to see your veterinarian before giving your hedgehog any new food, even peas. Although peas might be nutritionally beneficial, each hedgehog may have different dietary needs or health issues. Vets may offer specialized guidance based on the unique requirements of your hedgehog, making sure that its nutrition promotes the best possible health and well-being. 

They can also offer guidance on appropriate serving sizes, how often to feed, and any hazards or allergies related to particular foods. By consulting a specialist, you may reduce the likelihood of negative reactions or nutritional imbalances while putting your hedgehog’s health first.

How Many Peas Should You Feed Your Hedgehog? 

Hedgehogs may safely eat peas, but it’s important to keep their diet well-balanced. If you feed your hedgehog too many peas, he or she may get overfed and ignore other important nutrients. To guarantee a diet rich in variety, think about including 10–25 peas in each meal. 

On the other hand, if your hedgehog is a fan of peas as a treat, giving them intermittently over the day might be a fruitful alternative. To avoid overindulging, moderation is essential. To properly customize their diet and support their general well-being and enjoyment, it might be helpful to keep an eye on their total food consumption and notice any changes in behavior or health.

How Do You Know What Food Your Hedgehog Wants To Eat?

It may take some trial and error to find out what food your hedgehog enjoys because each one may have different taste preferences. A good way to start is by providing a range of foods and seeing how they react. Start with a foundation of premium hedgehog food, which usually consists of a blend of fruits, vegetables, meats, and insects. Next, progressively add other meals like mealworms, crickets, apples, berries, and veggies like peas or carrots.

Keep track of the meals they appear less interested in and the ones they eat often. With time, you could pick up on certain trends or preferences. Moreover, observe their general health, coat quality, and energy levels, since these can also reveal whether or not their food is appropriate for them. You may adjust their diet to suit their unique preferences and dietary requirements by providing a variety of meals and closely monitoring their responses, ensuring they remain content and healthy.

First and foremost, evaluate your hedgehog’s age. Younger hedgehogs enjoy sweet diets, whilst older ones may choose savory meals. So don’t be surprised if their preferences change over time or if they quit eating something they used to enjoy. Next, you should consider how much energy your hedgehog needs. The quantity of energy required by each human varies according to size, weight, and activity level.

A smaller hedgehog with a reduced activity level may require just around one-third of the calories of a bigger hedgehog. Finally, you should evaluate your hedgehog’s lifestyle. Are they spending a lot of time outside, or are they indoors all day?

They could consume less food than those who live largely outside if they spend most of their days indoors. Your hedgehog will want to sleep a lot more during the winter and consume less food. 

Health Benefits of Feeding Peas to Hedgehogs

Feeding Peas to Hedgehog

Feeding peas to hedgehogs can provide several health advantages. Peas include vital elements like protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, all of which benefit hedgehog health. The fiber content helps digestion, promotes healthy bowel motions, and lowers the risk of gastrointestinal problems. Peas also include vitamins such as Vitamin C, which improves the immune system, and Vitamin A, which is necessary for good vision and skin.

The protein in peas promotes muscle development and growth, which is essential for physical strength and vitality. Peas also include minerals including iron, which is necessary for oxygen delivery in the blood, and potassium, which helps control blood pressure and fluid balance. Furthermore, peas include antioxidants that help resist oxidative stress and inflammation, lowering the risk of chronic illnesses.


Q1. Can Hedgehogs Eat Peas?

Yes, that is the answer! In addition to peas, hedgehogs also like eating a wide variety of other veggies, including cucumber, broccoli, carrots, and leafy greens. These veggies may provide your hedgehog with an excellent supply of water. 

Q2. Which kind of peas are healthful?

Green peas provide a lot of fiber. Foods that are high in dietary fiber have been shown to lower blood pressure and raise blood lipid levels. Numerous research on a diet high in beans has demonstrated advantages in heart health. 

Q3. What are the main ingredients in peas?

Peas typically include 1.5–2.0% fat, 23.1–30.9% protein, and trace amounts of vitamins, phytic acid, saponins, minerals, and oxalates.

Q4. How should peas be prepared for hedgehogs?

Hedgehog peas can be boiled, frozen, mashed, or served fresh as long as they are soft and simple to consume. Rinse well before serving, and serve sparingly as part of a well-balanced meal.

Q5. Are there any risks associated with feeding peas to hedgehogs?

Hedgehogs may safely be fed peas in general, but overfeeding has certain hazards as well, such as possible weight gain and digestive problems from the high sugar content of peas. It’s important to keep a tight eye on your hedgehog’s health and only sometimes provide peas.


In conclusion, we conclude the answer can hedgehogs eat peas? This article describes briefly the topic. Peas are a healthy supplement to your hedgehog’s diet, especially in warm weather. Serve them at room temperature to avoid intestinal distress. Avoid serving peas with added sugar or sweeteners, since they can be hazardous to hedgehogs.

Instead, use fresh or thawed peas with no additives. Introducing peas in moderation can supply your hedgehog with important nutrients and water, therefore improving their general health and well-being. As always, keep an eye on how your pet responds to novel foods and get veterinary advice for nutritional recommendations customized to your hedgehog’s unique requirements.