Hedgehog Vs Porcupine: 10 Main Differences

Have you ever seen the hedgehog and porcupine? These two species look alike. Some people think that hedgehogs and porcupines belong to the Mammalia class, so they are also the same species. But it is not true. Both hedgehogs and porcupines are different from each other in every aspect.

Both species have different classifications. Every species has unique characteristics, which makes them unique and different from each other. So, it would help if you kept in mind that these species are also different from each other in every aspect.

An Introduction to Hedgehogs:

Hedgehog is one of the most interesting mammals. They are the spiny animals belonging to the subfamily ErinaceinaeIt has a different number of species, and every species is different from the others. They have seventeen different species belonging to hedgehogs, and all the species have different and unique characteristics.

They also belong to different regions of the world. When zoologists studied the hedgehogs, they learned that their ancestry is somewhat related to the shrews. They also have a nocturnal way of life.

Some species are very small. All the species of the hedgehog are different from each other. Their spiny look is somewhat related to the porcupine, but it does not mean hedgehogs and porcupines are alike. Both are completely different species in every single aspect.

Hedgehog Vs Porcupine

If we are talking about the porcupines, they resemble the hedgehogs because both have spines on their bodies. But their spines are also different from each other. The spine’s color, length, and texture have unique characteristics. Porcupines are also belonging to the class Mammalia and belong to order Rodentia.

They also look like rodents; the rodent family characterizes them. Their quills are much sharper as compared to the hedgehogs. The largest species of porcupine is the third-largest species of living rodents. Not all the species of porcupine need to be small. They also have some species that are large enough that they cannot imagine being categorized under the rodent family.

The word porcupine is a blend of two words; Porcus and Spina, which means pigs and spines, respectively. They are different from the hedgehogs in many different aspects. They are also different from each other according to their habitats. There are two different types of porcupines, and both are completely different from one another.

  • New World Porcupines
  • Old World Porcupines

Difference Between Hedgehog Vs Porcupine

Both types of porcupines show some unique qualities which make them different from each other. One of the major characteristics is habitat. New world Porcupine lives their life mostly in the braid. They are in the habit of making a small hole in the tree’s bark.

Old World Porcupines are large as compared to the New World Porcupines. They used to live in bare rocky places. They are normally nocturnal, but some species can also become active during the day.  Following are the 10 main differences between hedgehog and porcupine:

1. Quills

Quills are the spines attached to the skin of porcupines and the hedgehog. The quills are rigid structures made with keratin. The main difference between the quill of hedgehog and porcupine is their size. Hedgehog has smaller quills as compared to porcupines. Due to these quills, they can easily be differentiated. The quills of the hedgehog cannot easily be removed from its body.

They can be attached firmly to the body of the hedgehog. They are only detached in one case: extreme stress conditions or if the hedgehog is suffering from any disease. They are also shorter than the quill of the porcupine. In the case of the hedgehog, they are not easily removed from their body. They can only be detached when they are replaced with adult quills. They are replaced once in their lifetime.

Hedgehog Quills vs Porcupine Quills

In the case of the porcupines, they have large quills. Their quills are embedded in the skin musculature and made with Keratin. They release their quills when something comes in contact with their body. They release some of the quills when they shake their body, and after doing this, they will be replaced by a new one.

One of the major characteristics of porcupine’s quills is its antibiotic effect. Their quills have fatty acids around them. Whenever they are affected with self-injury, this antibiotic effect of quills can heal their wound.

   2. Origin

All the species that occur on this planet belong to a specific origin. Every region of this world has unique characteristics and specific animals. Species of every region adapt according to the environment and social interaction. They can also adjust themselves according to the physiological changes occurring inside their body.

There are different species of hedgehogs distributed in different regions of the world. Seventeen different species of the hedgehog are distributed throughout areas of Europe, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand. The tropical forests of these regions contain the major species of hedgehogs.

There are no species of hedgehogs native to Australia because the temperature fluctuation in this region is not suitable for them. They are also not native to America. Some regions of America have a cold, so hedgehogs cannot be able to adjust much of an origin.

If we are talking about the origin of the porcupines, they are also distributed in different world regions. Porcupines are also divided into two main groups, i.e., New and Old-World Porcupines.

The Old World porcupines are also one of the major groups of porcupines that are native to Italy, Asia, and most of Africa. They are also interesting species, so they are large and terrestrial, and most of the species are nocturnal.

The New World porcupines are smaller than New World porcupine species. They are found mostly in the tropical forests of North America and Northern South America. They love to stay in the trees. They are also nocturnal species.

3. Feeding Habit

Their feeding habit is also different from each other. The physiological processes of any species depend on feeding habits. It matters what kind of diet animals are taking. According to the latest research, the feeding habits of mammals are different from all other animal groups. They can eat a variety of food. Most of the animals belonging to class Mammalia are omnivorous. They can use a variety of foods.

Hedgehogs are different from porcupines because hedgehogs are omnivorous species. They can eat a variety of food. They mostly feed on insects, frogs, toads, snakes, snails, bird eggs, carrion, mushrooms, grassroots, melons, strawberries, and watermelons. All these items can make a hedgehog stronger and make their body stronger. Except for all these things they can also eat a variety of vegetables.

The porcupines are different from hedgehogs in their feeding habit: they are herbivores. They eat a variety of green leaves. Porcupines eat leaves, herbs, and east clover.

They also eat a variety of fruits like berries and their seeds. They are mostly nocturnal, so they gather their food at day times. They also feed on the seeds of different crops. The seeds of the crops contain a large number of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the major source of energy for all species. They are also very beneficial in supporting the immune system in the body. Various food items can fulfill all the other requirements.

4. Body size

Body size is also one of the major differentiating points between hedgehogs and porcupines. The length of their body can easily differentiate them. Every species of porcupine and hedgehog is different from each other, and the sizes of all the species are also different. As there are 17 different species of hedgehogs so, how is it possible that all the species are the same or they cannot be different from each other?

The same is the case with the porcupines and hedgehogs. Porcupines are much larger than hedgehogs. The adult porcupines are 20-36 inches long and have a larger tail than the hedgehog. The porcupine’s tail is 8-10 inches long.

Hedgehog vs Porcupine

Alternatively, the hedgehog is smaller as compared to porcupines. The size of the hedgehog is 4-10 inches long with a tail of 2-3 inches. Different species of porcupines have different sizes and weights, just like the sizes of hedgehogs are, also different for their different groups.

5. Weight

As the length of species of both groups varies, their weight will also vary according to their length. Both groups have a variety of species. According to the groups, they also have different weights. As porcupines are larger, their weight is also larger.

An adult hedgehog is much smaller as compared to an adult porcupine. The weight of an adult hedgehog is 5 to 55 ounces. On the other hand, an adult porcupine weighs 10 to 28 pounds. Their weight may vary according to the groups of the animals.

6. Uses by Humans

Humans also have a somewhat influence on the hedgehogs and porcupines. Like other animals, people also used to bring them home as a pets. Firstly, if we talk about the hedgehogs, most people bring them home as pets. They are also in a hybrid form of two different species of hedgehogs. People love to play with hedgehogs. They also love the company of their owners. As they are smaller species, cars pose a great threat to hedgehogs. They usually suffer whenever they cross the road.

The skin of the porcupines has so many beneficial aspects. They are used in the leather industry for making bags and leather accessories such as knife sheaths. Their quills are also used for decorative purposes. Their quills have so many useful points. In earlier times, people used their quills to make crowns. They gave groups a separate name. Jut hedgehogs and porcupines are also categorized and distributed according to the people. In short, both species have many useful aspects that make them the favorite among humans.

7. Defense

Porcupines and hedgehogs both species can both defend themselves. Different species have attacked them, and they have the capacity and stamina to protect themselves.

The quills of the hedgehog are very powerful. Whenever anything or any other species attacks them, their quills get stiff and attack the species. They have the power to attack other species with the help of their powerful quills. They can damage the skin of other species.

Most birds attack them. Their bones were seen in the stomachs of the owls. The porcupine has bigger quills than hedgehogs. They have more attacking powers as compared to the other species. They have the habit of showing arrogance if they feel in danger.

They will detect the danger, and their quills start erecting, emitting the odors. It means they have the power to defend themselves against any danger. The main attacking power of both species is due to these quills, but their method to show their arrogance is different from each other.

Hedgehog Vs. Porcupine: 10 Main Differences

8. Life Span

The most interesting differentiating feature between porcupine and hedgehog is the lifespan. Lifespan is different for different species. It is mostly considered that smaller animals have a shorter life span. But it is not true. In the case of the hedgehog and porcupine, they also have different lifespans. Hedgehogs have 4-8 years of life. The shorter hedgehogs have 2-4 years of lifespan. They have a maximum of 8 years of age.

Porcupine has a longer lifespan as compared to hedgehogs. They have a maximum of 27 years of age. It can also be increased if they are observed in some assistance. Porcupine is also considered the type of species that has the longest-lived rodent species in nature because it is considered that smaller species have shorter life spans.

9. Hibernation

Hibernation is also one of the major behavioral aspects of porcupines and hedgehogs. Hedgehogs move to a hibernation state. At the time of extreme weather conditions, they move to hibernate themselves. At the time of hibernation, their body temperature is 2°C. When they wake up, they have 2-5°C. At last, when the weather becomes normal, their body temperature becomes normal, i.e., 25-35°C.

Porcupines do not show any sleeping behavior. At the time of weather conditions, they will stay in their dens. It can be their hiding place. Other than this, there is no hiding place or any sleeping behavior in porcupines.

10. Behavior

Porcupines and hedgehogs both show unique behaviors. Hedgehogs show different nocturnal behavior. Most of the species of hedgehogs do not show nocturnal behavior, but usually, they are known for their nocturnal type of behavior.

Porcupines are also different from hedgehogs in every single aspect. They are the mostly nocturnal type of species. They collect their food in the daytime and utilize it at nighttime.


Q1. What is the main difference between hedgehog and Porcupine?

Ans. There are many differences between the hedgehog and porcupine but one of the main differences is the size of the quills. Quills are the spines attached to the skin of porcupines and the hedgehog. The quills are rigid structures made with keratin. The main difference between the quill of hedgehog and porcupine is their size.

Hedgehog has smaller quills as compared to porcupines. Due to these quills, they can easily be differentiated. The quills of the hedgehog cannot easily be removed from its body. They can be attached firmly to the body of the hedgehog. In the case of the porcupines, they have large quills.

Their quills are embedded in the skin musculature and made with Keratin. They release their quills when something comes in contact with their body. They release some of the quills when they shake their body, and after doing this, they will be replaced by a new one. One of the major characteristics of porcupine’s quills is its antibiotic effect.

Q2. Which is a larger hedgehog or a porcupine?

Ans. As there are 17 different species of hedgehogs so, how is it possible that all the species are the same or they cannot be different from each other? The same is the case with the porcupines and hedgehogs. Porcupines are much larger than hedgehogs. The adult porcupines are 20-36 inches long and have a larger tail than the hedgehog. The porcupine’s tail is 8-10 inches long.

Alternatively, the hedgehog is smaller as compared to porcupines. The size of the hedgehog is 4-10 inches long with a tail of 2-3 inches. Different species of porcupines have different sizes and weights, just like the sizes of hedgehogs are, also different for their different groups.

Q3. Are porcupines and hedgehogs related?

Ans. Porcupines and hedgehogs belong to different families and are not closely related despite some similarities in appearance. Porcupines belong to the family Hystricidae, depending on the species, and are found in various parts of the world, including the Americas, Africa, and Asia. They are known for their spiny quills, which cover their bodies as a defense mechanism.

Q4. Do hedgehogs have quills?

Ans. Yes, hedgehogs have quills, which are stiff, hollow hairs made of keratin. These quills cover the hedgehog’s back and sides, serving as a defensive mechanism against predators. When a hedgehog feels threatened, it will typically curl into a tight ball, with its quills pointing outward to protect its soft underbelly. The quills are sharp and can deter predators from attacking the hedgehog.

Q5. Are hedgehog quills sharp?

Ans. Hedgehog quills are like really sharp hairs. They’re made of the same stuff as human hair and nails, but they have a pointy end and are stiff. This sharpness helps hedgehogs defend themselves from predators.

Conclusion of Hedgehog vs Porcupine:

Hedgehog is one of the most interesting mammals. They are the spiny animals belonging to the subfamily ErinaceinaeIt has a different number of species, and every species is different from the others. They have seventeen different species belonging to hedgehogs, and all the species have different and unique characteristics.

They also belong to different regions of the world. When zoologists studied the hedgehogs, they learned that their ancestry is somewhat related to the shrews. They also have a nocturnal way of life. Some species are very small. All the species of the hedgehog are different from each other.

Hedgehog Vs. Porcupine: 10 Main Differences

If we are talking about the porcupines, they resemble the hedgehogs because both have spines on their bodies. But their spines are also different from each other. The spine’s color, length, and texture have unique characteristics.

Porcupines are also belonging to the class Mammalia and belong to order Rodentia. They also look like rodents; the rodent family characterizes them. Their quills are much sharper as compared to the hedgehogs.

Quills are the spines attached to the skin of porcupines and the hedgehog. The quills are rigid structures made with keratin. The main difference between the quill of hedgehog and porcupine is their size. Hedgehog has smaller quills as compared to porcupines. Due to these quills, they can easily be differentiated.

There are different species of hedgehogs distributed in different regions of the world. Seventeen different species of the hedgehog are distributed throughout areas of Europe, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand.

If we are talking about the origin of the porcupines, they are also distributed in different world regions. Porcupines are also divided into two main groups, i.e., New and Old-World Porcupines.

Hedgehogs are different from porcupines because hedgehogs are omnivorous species. They can eat a variety of food. They mostly feed on insects, frogs, toads, snakes, snails, bird eggs, carrion, mushrooms, grassroots, melons, strawberries, and watermelons.

The porcupines are different from hedgehogs in their feeding habit: they are herbivores. They eat a variety of green leaves. Porcupines eat leaves, herbs, and east clover.

Porcupines and hedgehogs both species can both defend themselves. Different species have attacked them, and they have the capacity and stamina to protect themselves.

Hedgehogs have 4-8 years of life. The shorter hedgehogs have 2-4 years of lifespan. They have a maximum of 8 years of age. Porcupine has a longer lifespan as compared to hedgehogs. They have a maximum of 27 years of age.

In conclusion, the exploration of “Hedgehog vs Porcupine” reveals a fascinating world of contrasts and distinctions, highlighting the unique features that make each species exceptional.

Hope you love this article about Hedgehog vs Porcupine.


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